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  • Minox
  • Western Union
  • Accerol Mittal
  • GSK
  • BNP Paribas

The client

Our client is one of the world’s leading fashion and cosmetics manufacturer in the luxury segment and regularly commissions us with the translation of premium POS material for the international market.

The project

We received a 50-page make-up brochure in the final layout as an InDesign file. The brochure was to be translated from English into German and delivered to the client ready to print. The processing time was 3 to 4 weeks.

The challenge

The content had to be linguistically and stylistically aligned with the target group, previous brochures and the manufacturer’s website. Some pages, product names, as well as certain cosmetic terms, such as “teint” or “finish” were to be excluded from the translation. The extravagantly designed layout of the brochure included a lot of graphic elements and small text modules. Hence, the 30-percent longer translation could not be easily transferred to the layout.

The implementation

  • Step 1: Our desktop publishing specialists marked the text passages which were not to be translated in the InDesign file. After importing the file to the translation program, these were automatically blocked for the translator.
  • Step 2: As of the first project, we have been working with the same translator who is familiar with the terminology of the industry and manufacturer. The revision of the texts was directly done in the programme – without any additional intermediate steps. We exported the finished translation directly in the delivery format.
  • Step 3: In the last step, our desktop publishing specialists aligned the content to the lengths of the text modules, verified the graphics and implemented final content-related changes by our client. After a final check, we delivered the files in due time.

The result

At the end of a customized process, our client received a printable brochure which met all quality requirements. Thanks to the high integrity of our programs and the technical competence of our desktop publishing specialists, the client also benefited from a considerable time and cost efficiency.

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